Whilst in Japan, I was looking for some of my relatives, as my mother's side of the family is Japanese. With the help of a great Japanese friend of mine (I've named one of my pieces after her: Moeko) we found one of my cousins. She still lives in Tokyo in the same building that I remeber going to when I was 13!
It was just wonderful meeting her again after such a long time. It was a very emotional experience for all of us.
All of this, plus our Japan trip, my broken wrist and the inability to use my right hand AND having to ask for help has made me think about where I am at this point in my life. So I have started to reorganise parts of my life that I feel need to change. Those parts concern my business.
That's all for now. My next post will be about Tokyo Capsule Hotels
Wow! That is extraordinary ! So you don't know anyone in Japan now?! It must be fun (and also scary) to look for your extended family in Japan!!
I do have friends who live in Japan, and now the added bonus of having connected up with my family agaon is just great!
naice...:) :)
hv a look at my sketches at my blog..htp://www.akshaychugh.blogspot.com
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