Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Some Lovely Sydney Spots

Last week was my daughter's birthday (the one wearing the cap), so one of the things we did was to take her & a friend to Luna Park for the WHOLE day.... I was exhausted just hanging around waiting for them to go on all the rides as I don't enjoy being spun around & thrown around, upside down & inside out.....Arrrrgh..... It would make me ill...

So the girls went and enjoyed hours of this torture (for me it was torture, they thought it was wonderful...)

After I checked out the photos I remembered what a beautiful city we live in!

The Sydney Harbour Bridge was right in the background.

It was slighty cooler as it is winter (about 10C). This winter has been alot cooler that previous winters. The snow in the mountains (yes we have mountains too) seems to have lasted longer and it has snowed alot more there than what I remember.

Saturday, 14 July 2007


I was on the front page of etsy the other day, and thanks to my wonderful friend marsha , who took a snapshot of it because she knows how totally tech unco i am...
(check out her etsy shop: http://marshatoh.etsy.com/
and her blog : http://www.marshatoh.blogspot.com/)
I had the image on here but I think that for some reason etsy didn't approve so it dissapeared and there was a sad face instead. Oh well, nevermind. It was a really lovely frontpage put together by nyhedy, one of the metalsmiths who sells her work through etsy. I will make the next post about the etsymetal group that I belong to and will show some examples of their work if it is allowed.

Monday, 2 July 2007

sydney dust meeting at badde manors

Originally uploaded by esta.sketch
here's another shot of us at the meeting!

if you click onto the dust3 that'll take you to estasketch's flickr page. there are more photos of the meeting.
here's a linkto tamptations blog (and I hope it works!)http://tamptation.wordpress.com/

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Sydney D.U.S.T. Meeting

The 2nd official Sydney D.U.S.T. meeting was on today at 3pm in Glebe, a suburb of Sydney near the University of Sydney, Chinatown & the CBD (for those of you who who aren't in Sydney). we met at Badde Manors, a funky little coffee shop on Glebe Point Rd.

Those who attended were:
Ceeb (me)- howlindoggie

We all brought samples of our work, and WOW we really are a bunch of talented vegimites (an australian delicacy....hee hee)..
Turns were had by all in explaining how & why we managed to FIND etsy and have a shop on there and then we turned to a more organized part of the meeting, discussing what we actually want to do to promote etsy (and the handmade) in Sydney, as the general concensus was that etsy is more american than global.

Australians are still really quite unaware of etsy.

We threw around ideas and came to a plan, which will be discussed at the next meet, which will be on the 2nd of September 2007 at my workshop/studio.

It was very exiting to have so many people in one group who are so talented and have similar gameplans. We have etsy to thank for throwing us all together!

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